


Fullstack Developer
Based in Sydney, Australia
Years Coding
9 years

Developer Skills

Strengths and Talents


Skilled in the tools that enhance interactivity and performance, enabling me to create professional UX.
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwind
  • Typescript
  • JavaScript
  • Svelte
  • React


Logic layer programming languages and frameworks I use for servers, APIs, microservices, game dev, automation, etc.
  • C#
  • .NET
  • Next.js
  • Sveltekit
  • C++
  • Python


From SQL and NoSQL to Big Data and everything in between.
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Supabase


Everything from desktop and game development, to IoT.
  • Tauri
  • Avalonia UI
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Unreal Engine

Developer Timeline

Education and Experience

Origins AI
Software Engineer
  • Lead software engineer for 2 enterprise projects, architected solutions covering frontend, databases, server APIs and UI/UX.
  • Designed and built high-performance AI infrastructure, improved training speed by 400% at 15% under budget.
  • Developed feature rich enterprise ML/AI web app starter kit with reusable component library, backend server and CI/CD, reducing build time by 200+ hours per future project.
  • Implemented information security measures compliant with SOC 2 and POPIA requirements, including vulnerability management, data protection, and privacy controls.
  • Conducted and presented in-depth tech market research to executives, enhancing project viability assessments and accelerating opportunity scoping.
University of New South Wales
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
Sydney, Australia
  • Thesis: Meta LMS - Automatic Generation of Topics from Existing Education Resources for UNSW’s new education platform.
  • Activities: CSESoc, ENGSoc, UNSW Hockey, APU Powerlifting, ARC Sport.
  • Awards: Distinction average, COMP3421 (Computer Graphics) Top Projects Prize
  • Relevant Coursework: Security Engineering, Computer Graphics, Big Data Management, Human Computer Interaction, Frontend Development, Computer Networks, Advanced C++, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Systems Design and Implementation.
Secondary School
  • Academics: National Senior Certificate, Top 5 in Graduating Class.
  • Leadership: Deputy Headboy, Student Head of Discipline, Vice-captain First XI Hockey, SRC (5 years)
  • Awards: 1st Place in Information Technology and English.
  • Programming: Earliest coding experience was in Scratch in year 5 but my real programming journey started in year 9, with Delphi and Java, and I haven't stopped since.
  • Mentoring: Tutored and taught Information Technology for 3 years.

Solo Projects

Live Demos coming soon...

Desktop - Sveltekit and Tauri
Overview: A diagramming desktop application, based on directory workspaces (like VS Code), intended to be used to plan, sketch and share software architecture diagrams. Born as a result of frustrating experiences with other similar solutions, Verstand builds and expands upon what came before it.
Features: Utilising your local file system, you can more easily juggle multiple diagrams in a tab structure. It supports custom icon libraries, better image support, snap-grid placements and section exporting.
Future Plans: There are plans to add a website version which would utilise your cloud storage provider to enable a similar experience to desktop with the added benefit of portability. This would also open the door to collaboration similar to Excalidraw. There are also plans to create an npm package to allow you to easily insert your diagrams into websites in an interactable format.
Verstand Showcase
Project Ovid
Web - Sveltekit
Overview: A personal book management website to track your reading, manage your library and discover insights into your patterns and habits. A centralised hub for all your reading needs. As an avid reader, I've drawn inspiration from existing sites and added features I've wanted but couldn't get elsewhere.
Features: User authentication, including traditional email/password, OAuth login/sign up, MagicLink OTPs and optional 2FA. User data persistence for adding books to your library, tracking progress, creating wishlists, adding friends and interacting with others. Analytics to track your reading habits and trends via graphs. Planning features to better organise your future reads, via flowchart reading progressions and gantt chart planning.
Project Ovid Showcase
IoT - Python and Raspberry Pi
Overview: An IoT application built to function as a personal assistant. It runs on a Raspberry Pi, connected to a camera and microphone for audio and video input, both of which can be used to trigger actions. It is also connected to a servo motor to enable to perform specific tasks.
Features: I built it to automate my morning routine mostly. Through the camera, it recognises when I make up and uses the servo motor to turn on the kettle and starts playing classical music through the speakers throughout my home. Using Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), I'm able to ignore the music being played by PlatyPi and allow the mic to clearly pick up my commands for controlling playback. It also recognises several wake words to enable music control throughout the day.
Future Plans: I have plans to implement more complex commands and 3D print a housing structure so it's presentable enough to keep as a constant feature in my home.
PlatyPi Showcase